Friday, March 4, 2011

Friday Flowers!

Today, after a week of nevischio, (which is snow that melts right before it hits you) we finally had one of those spring days i live for. I've been stuck indoors, and have gotten a lot of sewing done, but today the sun came out, birds were singing, and I was able to collect some flowers for Friday Flowers.

My friend Hillary came for tea and flower picking, and these were our rewards:

The lovely blue flowers have just appeared this week. They're a bulb, a wild type of hyacinth with a really vivid purfume. I've been told before not to put flowers like this in a bedroom as the purfume is too strong it will give you bad dreams.

Today's flowers are dedicated to all the foreign girls living in Florence, and the locals who befriend us!

1 comment:

  1. So sorry I missed out! Looks like you ladies had a lovely day!
